Here are the defined audience.
Gregg - Gregg is a foreign exchange student who is 19 years old that is here for 2 years finishing school at Dixie State University, he has made a couple friends that are in the Pickle ball club but has never played it before and is trying to find a way to take classes before he joins the club to make sure it is for him.
Cori - Cori is 21 who plays competitively in the USAPA Pickle ball tournaments, she has been playing since she was 15 in high school and is ranked in the top 5 players under 30. She travels a lot but her home is St. George and she loves to teach people when she has down time.
Franklin - Franklin is a 23 year old who is newly married and likes playing sports with his married friends on the weekends. His father plays Pickle ball all the time and recently passed down his old equipment to him so they can try it out. He has been playing for a few months now and enjoys playing every now and then.
I designed the website. PICKLEDOME
Here is a quick screenshot
William did the video! Haleigh and my roommate star in it, and I helped film the drone shots.
Scott designed the logo as well as the style guide.
Echo created a car wrap design.
Haleigh made T-shirts for the event
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